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(31 comments, 512 words in story) here's the full story + discussion will the air force do anything to rein in its dynamic duo of gay-bashing, misogynistic bloggers? chris rodda print page tue apr 18, 2017 at 02:09:49 pm est "i always get nervous when i see female pastors/chaplains. here is why everyone should as well: "first, women are not called to be pastors, and since a chaplain is supposed to be a pastor in uniform--it exposes their rebellion. "second, the office is permitted for men only, and women are prohibited from teaching (1 timothy 2:12). "third, people should be very worried when they see women pastors/chaplains teaching. why? it could be god's judgment upon them (isaiah 3, "...and women rule over them")!" the above are the words of captain sonny hernandez, an air force reserve chaplain for the 445th airlift wing at wright-patterson air force base in ohio, posted as a comment on a blog post by air force lt. col. jonathan dowty on his " christian fighter pilot " blog -- a blog on which lt. col. dowty has provided his readers with a steady stream of misogynistic, gay-bashing, islamophobic, and other very "christian" posts for over a decade. in the post that chaplain hernandez was commenting on, titled " kansas army national guard commissions female chaplain ," lt. col. dowty had expressed his opinion that female chaplains are not acceptable, writing: "... there are some who advocate that chaplains should be able to meet the needs of all of their troops, and a `minority' chaplain actually undermines that cause. while every christian denomination represented in the military accepts a male pastoral leader, a substantial percentage do not accept female pastoral leaders." (12 comments, 1159 words in story) here's the full story + discussion the legacy of big oil wilkyjr print page tue apr 18, 2017 at 01:58:12 pm est the media is ablaze with the upcoming publication of david grann's book, killers of the flower moon. the shocking non fiction account of the osage indians in the twenties is almost unbelievable. this tragic saga is the deadly account of greed, murder, racism, and the impact of oil money on the nation. (10 comments, 755 words in story) here's the full story + discussion gimme that old time dominionism denial frederick clarkson print page sat apr 15, 2017 at 11:04:08 pm est over the years, i have written a great deal here and in other venues about the explicitly theocratic movement called dominionism -- which has been an ideological catalyst for the contemporary christian right. that is one of the reasons why i am looking forward to reading the new book by pulitzer prize winning journalist frances fitzgerald, the evangelicals: the struggle to shape america. the book has received mixed reviews according to a discussion of those reviews by richard ostling, a retired writer for the evangelical magazine, christianity today . but in her new book, fitzgerald apparently discusses the theocratic dominionism of the late r.j. rushdoony and the influential christian reconstructionist movement he led. this has apparently alarmed ostling. (8 comments, 671 words in story) here's the full story + discussion history advisor to members o
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